Articles on: Witnessing Documents

Witnessing documents

Document witnessing example

How we implement in-person document witnessing

1. Signer invite email – informing of witness requirements

Request to sign email - when witnessing is required

2. Start Screen - detailed list of requirements to sign and witness document

signing and witness requirements

3. Signing screen for the signer — must be watched by the witness.

signer witnessing

4. Signer completes document and passes device to witness.

Witness handoff

5. Witness enters their name and email

Witness Name and Email

6. Witness completes the fields assigned to them (eg signature in this example).

Witness Signs

7. Document is now complete.

Document completed by the signer and witness

Once the document has been completed, the signers will get a copy. Witnesses do not get a copy of the final document.

8. Example of Audit Log of witness signing

Witness signing audit log example

Updated on: 03/02/2022

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